Labor Utilization Subtask
Use this screen to indicate how much of an employee’s time will be sold as direct labor, which rate pool to use, and for the amount remaining, which cost pool to use for indirect labor.
The budget tool uses a factor approach to account for fluctuations in how much of an individual’s available time should be budgeted to direct contracts over the course of a fiscal year.
The past contract utilization patterns of individuals can be audited and used as the basis for the current budget cycle.
The following information displays in the Labor Utilization subtask.
Column Headings | Description |
ID Type | This column displays the type of ID, whether Employee, Generic Staff or Key Entry. |
ID | This column displays the User ID of the resource. |
Name | The name of the resource displays in this field. |
Org ID | This column displays the Org ID of the resource. |
Program | Use this column to view and select the Program ID. Programs enable you to assign an organization account budget line to a business area or a customer as a source of revenue.
You can set up a program with custom fee rates, which will override fee rates on the Revenue Setup tab. |
Splits | This column indicates that the particular Employee’s record has been split. You can see the details when you access both Indirect Utilization Split and Direct Utilization Split. If nothing is indicated, it means there was no split in Utilization and vice versa. |
YY-MM-DD | Use this column to enter or update labor utilization rates. |
Indirect Utilization Split Subtasks
The Indirect Utilization Split subtask allows you to split indirect labor into multiple accounts.
The following information displays in the Indirect Utilization subtask.
Column Headings | Description |
Org ID | This column displays the Organization ID. |
Acct ID | This column displays the default Account ID. |
Program | This column displays the Org budget program ID. Programs enable you to assign an organization account budget line to a business area or a customer as a source of revenue. |
YY-MM-DD | This column displays the utilization rate of the indirect labor associated with the account. |
Direct Utilization Split Subtasks
The Direct Utilization Split subtask allows you to split direct labor into multiple accounts.
The following information displays in the Direct Utilization subtask.
Column Headings | Description |
Org ID | This column displays the Organization ID. |
Acct ID | This column displays the default Account ID. |
Program | This column displays the org budget program ID. Programs enable you to assign an organization account budget line to a business area or a customer as a source of revenue. |
YY-MM-DD | This column displays the utilization rate of the direct labor that is associated with the account. |
Fill Subtask
The following are the fields that display for the Fill subtask.
Field | Description |
Start Period |
End Period |
Fill Values |
If you click Fill Values, the value is copied all the way through in that one record from the starting date to the end date. |
Fill Rows |
If you click Fill Rows, the value is copied in all rows and columns from start date to end date. |
Fill Columns |
If you click Fill Columns, all values in the selected column are copied into all the other columns, from start date to end date. This means the whole column is copied and not just the value in that cell. |