Destination FY/Pd/Subpd

The fiscal/period/subperiod combination that you enter in the Select Destination Subperiods group box on the Create Recurring Accounts Payable Vouchers screen becomes the period information in the header of the created voucher.

If you specify a range of subperiods, a voucher is created in each of the subperiods specified. Because of this, you should exercise caution when selecting the range option for subperiods.

Costpoint compares the destination period information with the starting and ending periods in the template voucher, as well as the linked periods for the Recurring code when creating vouchers. If the destination fiscal/period/subperiod provided on the Create Recurring Accounts Payable Vouchers screen is not linked with the recurring voucher code entered, no vouchers are created. If the destination fiscal/period/subperiod provided on the Create Recurring Accounts Payable Vouchers screen falls outside of either the beginning or ending dates existing on a template voucher, that voucher is not created.