Select a company, fiscal year, period, rate type, and data level to run the Unbilled Analysis report. The projects available are based on your org security or roles security settings.
Prompt Message |
Description |
Company |
Select the company to use when running the report. |
Fiscal Year |
Select the desired fiscal year. |
Period |
Select the period number. |
Sub Period |
Select the subperiod number. |
Rate Type | Choose to show the Actual or Target rate. |
Project Level Type | Choose to show data at any Project level, or at the Revenue, or Billing level. |
Project Level | Select the project level number if you selected Project Level for the Project Level Type. |
Select Projects |
In the
Keywords field, enter a portion of one or more project IDs and click
To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices. |
Select Owning Organization(s) |
In the
Keywords field, enter a portion of one or more Owning Organization IDs and click
To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices. |
Include Inactive Projects? |
Choose Yes to include inactive projects in the report data or No to omit inactive projects. |