Contents of the View Vendor Performance Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the View Vendor Performance screen.


Field Description

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the vendor for whom you would like to view performance data, and then click on the toolbar to populate the table window. You can also click on the toolbar to bring up a complete list of vendors for which performance statistics exist.

The vendor's name and location defaults into the unlabeled fields to the right based on the ID that you enter. As an alternative, you can use from these unlabeled to select a vendor ID.


The vendor must not be a payroll vendor. If the vendor has an approval code of Not Approved or Pending, or if its vendor status for PO is On Hold, Costpoint displays a warning.

Table Window

This table window displays the details of the vendor's performance. Use to narrow your search based on criteria you determine.

Field Description
Vendor Approval Status

This field displays the vendor's approval code:

  • A: This code indicates that this vendor is approved.
  • N: This code indicates that this vendor is not approved.
  • P: This code indicates that this vendor's approval status is pending.
Vendor PO Status

This field displays one the following status codes, depending on the latest purchase order status for this vendor:

  • O: This code indicates that this vendor can be used for new purchase orders.
  • W: This code indicates that this vendor is on warning and discretion must be used in allocation new purchase orders.
  • H: This code indicates that this vendor id on hold and ineligible for new purchase requisitions.

You can specify these settings on the Manage Vendors screen.


This field displays the percentage of rejected items acquired from this vendor. This percentage is calculated by dividing the total quantity of rejected items by the total quantity of items received. The data are taken from Costpoint Receiving.

Late Deliveries

This field displays the percentage of items that were delivered late. This percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of late receipts (where the receipt date is later than the due date plus late days tolerance) by the total number of receipts. The data are taken from Costpoint Receiving.

(Orig Due Date) Late Deliveries

This field displays the percentage of items that were delivered late, where the receipt date is later than the original due date plus late days tolerance. This percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of late receipts by the total number of receipts. The data are taken from Costpoint Receiving.


The difference between due date and original due date is that original due date is the due date that was agreed upon by the vendor. Also, the due date can be modified while the original due date cannot.

Early Deliveries

This field displays the percentage of items that were delivered early. This percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of early receipts where the receipt date is earlier than the due date minus early days tolerance by the total number of receipts. The data are taken from Costpoint Receiving.


This field displays the size of this vendor as specified on the Manage Vendors screen. This can be one of the following codes:

  • L: Large
  • S: Small
  • N: Nonprofit
  • F: Foreign or other
Woman Owned

This field displays Y (Yes) if, for procurement purposes, this vendor is classified as woman-owned. Otherwise, this field displays N(No).


This field displays Y (Yes) if, for procurement purposes, this vendor is classified as disadvantaged. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).


This field displays Y (Yes) if this vendor is classified as a labour surplus area vendor. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Hist Black College/Minority Inst.

This field displays Y (Yes) if, for procurement purposes, this vendor is classified as a historically black college, university, or minority institution. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).


This field displays Y (Yes) if this vendor is classified as veteran-owned. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned

This field displays Y (Yes) if this vendor is classified as service-disabled veteran-owned. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Alaskan Native Corp (ANC) and Indian Tribes

This field displays Y (Yes) if this vendor is classified as an Alaskan Native Corporation and Indian Tribes. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Certification Date

This field displays the date on which the vendor classification was received.

Perf Calc Starting Date

This field displays the earliest date on which vendor performance statistics were calculated using the Compute Vendor Performance screen.

Perf Calc Ending Date

This field displays the latest date on which vendor performance statistics were calculated using the Compute Vendor Performance screen.

Number of Receipts

This field displays the number of receipt lines acquired against the vendor.

Customer Account

This field displays the customer account number as specified on the Manage Vendors screen.

Employee Name

This field displays the employee name as specified on the Manage Vendors screen.


This field displays additional information associated with this vendor.


Subtask Definition
Assigned Items Click this link to open the Assigned Items subtask and view address and contact information for the selected vendor.
Address Click this link to open the Address subtask and view a list of items assigned to this vendor, as well as greater detail on performance statistics, PO receipts, and vendor returns.