RFQs Subtask

Use this subtask to create a request for quote (RFQ) or select and existing RFQ for the selected requisition line on the main screen.

This subtask displays all RFQs for the requisitioned item ID.

If the item/vendor RFQ combination does not already exist, you can enter a new RFQ here. You can add additional lines, quantity breakpoints, and other information to the RFQ after you have created it using the Manage Request for Quotes by Item or Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screen. You can also generate RFQ lines using the Create Request for Quotes for Proposals screen in Materials Estimating. The Proposal field in the table window displays the proposal ID from which the RFQ was created and assigned.

For new RFQs, the table window automatically loads all standard text codes set to automatically default for requests for quote in the Where-Used subtask of the Manage Standard Text screen.


Field Description

Select this check box to save this RFQ. RFQs that are already created using the Manage Request for Quotes by Item or Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screen automatically clears this check box and cannot be saved again.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, an existing vendor ID for this RFQ. The vendor must not be a payroll vendor and its approval code must not be Not Approved. If the vendor has an approval code of Pending, Costpoint displays a warning.

Vendor Name

This field displays the descriptive name of the Vendor.

Vendor Address

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the vendor's order address code to which this RFQ must be sent.


This field displays the RFQ number, which is incremented and automatically assigned only when you have selected the Auto-Assign RFQs check box and entered a Last RFQ ID on the Configure Vendor Quote Settings screen. Costpoint increments the Last RFQ ID by one. When you have entered all data and saved the line, Costpoint automatically assigns the next available number.

If you cleared the Auto-Assign RFQs check box on the Configure Vendor Quote Settings screen, you must enter an RFQ ID in this field before you can save this record. Costpoint will not store the last number used, so you must track the RFQ numbers in your own log.

RFQ Status

Use this drop-down list to select the status of this RFQ. The available options are:

  • Pending: This status indicates that this RFQ is pending approval and is not ready to be sent to the vendor.
  • Open: This status indicates that this RFQ is open and ready to be sent to the vendor (or was sent to the vendor with no response received).
  • Closed: This status indicates that the vendor has returned the quote for this item and no further action is required.
  • Void: This status indicates that the RFQ was voided and no processing will occur. This RFQ cannot be printed.

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the unit of measure the vendor must use when quoting this item. This field defaults from the requisition's U/M but can be modified.

RFQ Quantity

Use this field to enter the quantity the vendor must quote for this item. This amount defaults from the requisition line quantity but can be modified.

Vendor Contact Last Name

Use this field to enter the last name of the vendor's contact person. The default contact (lowest sequence number) for the selected vendor address displays but can be modified in the Details tab of the Manage Request for Quotes by Item or Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screen, and only if the RFQ status is Open.

Vendor Contact First Name

Use this field to enter the first name of the vendor's contact person. The default contact (lowest sequence number) for the selected vendor address displays but can be modified in the Details tab of the Manage Request for Quotes by Item or Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screen, and only if the RFQ status is Open.

Vendor Contact Phone

Use this field to enter the telephone number for the vendor's contact person. The telephone number of the default contact (lowest sequence number) for the selected vendor address displays but can be modified.

Vendor Contact Fax

Use this field to enter the fax number for the vendor's contact person. The fax number of the default contact (lowest sequence number) for the selected vendor address displays but can be modified.

Email Address Enter, or click to select, the vendor email address.

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the identification code of the manufacturer of the item to be quoted. The manufacturer automatically loads when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Manufacturer Part

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the manufacturer part number of the item to be quoted. The manufacturer part automatically loads when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. is available to select other manufacturer parts in the Alternate Parts table.

Mfg Rev

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the manufacturer part revision number of the item to be quoted. The revision of the manufacturer part automatically loads when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Vendor Part

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the vendor part number of the item to be quoted. The vendor part number automatically loads when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. is available to select other vendor parts in the Alternate Parts table.

Vend Rev

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the vendor part revision of the item to be quoted. The revision of the vendor part automatically loads when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Line Notes

Use this field to enter additional information about this RFQ.

Vendor Appr

This field displays the approval status of the vendor for the item to be quoted. The available values are:

  • Yes: This status indicates that the vendor has been approved for the item to be quoted.
  • Preferred: This status indicates that the vendor is the preferred vendor for the item to be quoted.
  • No: This status indicates that the vendor is not acceptable for the item to be quoted.

    If the vendor has not been approved, this field remains blank.

Last PO Date

This field displays the date of the last purchase order created for this vendor/item combination.

Last Quote Date

This field displays the date of the last quote created for this vendor/item combination.

Vendor Status

This field displays the status of the vendor for the purchase order.


This field displays the size classification for the vendor. The possible values are:

  • Large
  • Small
  • Nonprofit
  • Foreign/Other
Vendor Woman-Owned

This field displays Y (Yes) if the vendor is classified as woman-owned. Otherwise, this field displaysN (No).

Vendor Disadvantaged

This field displays Y (Yes) if the vendor is classified as disadvantaged. Otherwise, this field displaysN (No).

Vendor HUBZone

This field displays Y (Yes) if the vendor is classified as a labor surplus. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Vendor Minority Institutions

This field displays Y (Yes) if the vendor is classified as a historical black college or university/minority institution. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Vendor Veteran-Owned

This field displays Y (Yes) if the vendor is classified as veteran-owned. Otherwise, this field displaysN (No).

Vendor Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned

This field displays Y (Yes) if the vendor is classified as service-disabled veteran-owned. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Alaskan Native Corp (ANC) and Indian Tribes

This field displays Y (Yes) if the vendor is classified as Alaskan Native Corp (ANC) and Native Tribes. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).


This field displays the quote ID associated with this RFQ.

Quote Line

This field displays the quote line number associated with this RFQ.


This field displays the requisition ID associated with this RFQ.

Req Line

This field displays the requisition line number associated with this RFQ.


This field displays the proposal BOM associated with this RFQ.

Proposal Rev

This field displays the revision number of the Proposal.

Delivery Schedule Exists This check box indicates that a delivery schedule exists for the requisition line.
Supplier Portal Email Notification

Select this check box to send email alerts to the supplier whenever there are portal information changes made by the buyer. This check box initially defaults its value from the Supplier Portal Email Notification check box associated with the PO header buyer.

If the Allow Edit check box is selected on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen, then the Supplier Portal Email Notification check box on the PO header is editable, otherwise Supplier Portal Email Notification is disabled. If the Supplier Portal Email Notification check box is not selected, the supplier will not receive email alerts.

Note: This option is only available to users who are licensed for Supplier Portal.
Release to Supplier This check box indicates that the request for quote (RFQ)  is released to the supplier. If selected, all RFQ lines and associated line quantity breakpoints, and delivery schedule lines (if any) will be accessible via the supplier portal.
Note: This option is only available to users who are licensed for Supplier Portal.
Action Select an action to indicate if vendors have been notified of the changes to the RFQ line. For new RFQs, if the Released to Supplier check box in the RFQ header is selected, then this option defaults to Released to Supplier.  When you add new RFQ lines for existing RFQ IDs, the option defaults to None.
Note: This option is only available to users who are licensed for Supplier Portal.
Action Notes Enter any action notes related to the action taken for the RFQ line.


Subtask Definition
Item Vendor Click this link to open the Item Vendor subtask and view information about the vendor for the item being quoted.
Action History Click this link to open the Action History subtask and view specific fields in the RFQ that were updated by the buyer.
Combined Req Line Details Click this link to open the Combined Req Line Details subtask to view the combined requisition line details of requisitions.
Delivery Schedule Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask to view the multiple due dates of a purchase requisition line.