Proj Sub Parts Subtask

Use this subtask to view the substitute parts that are available for substitution.


Field Description

This column displays the sequence in the order of preference for the substitute part. If there are multiple rows of possible substitute parts, the one with the lowest sequence number is selected.

Substitute Type

This column indicates whether the substitute part is a Part Substitute or a Project Substitute Part.

Substitute Part

This column displays the substitute part that can be exchanged for the specific item.


This column displays the revision of the substitute part.


This column displays the description of the substitute part.


This column displays the unit of measure of the substitute part.



Inv Abbrev

This column displays the inventory abbreviation code associated with the substitute part.


This column displays the ID of the project associated with the inventory abbreviation.

Net Available Quantiy

This field displays the net available quantity of the part/inventory abbreviation combination. It is the sum of all the On Hand Quantity, In Inspection Quantity, In Shipping Quantity, In MRB Quantity, On Order Quantity, On Requisition Quantity, Owed Quantity, and Planned Owed Quantity minus the sum of the Reserved Quantity and Planned Reserved Quantity fields for the part/inventory abbreviation combination. (In MRB is included only if you selected the Incl MRB as Available Inventory check box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control.)

Current Available Quantity

This field displays the current available quantity of the part/inventory abbreviation combination. It is the sum of all the On Hand Quantity and In Inspection Quantity minus the Reserved Quantity for that part/inventory abbreviation combination.