Assign PO Subtask

Use this subtask to assign a requisition line to one or more purchase order lines.

You can enter purchase order IDs manually or select the Auto-Assign PO checkbox allow Costpoint to automatically assign purchase order IDs. You can also use the Exchange Rates subtask to specify the currency exchange rate for the purchase order lines to be generated.

Costpoint validates your action here to ensure that the buyer is authorized to create the type of purchase order selected, whether it is standard, release, blanket, or subcontract type.

If the assigned purchase order is a new standard or blanket purchase order, the transaction currency and related exchange rate information default from the requisition, but can be modified in the Exchange Rates subtask.

If the assigned purchase order is a new blanket release from an existing blanket purchase order, the transaction currency and related exchange rate information default from the associated blanket purchase order header and are non-modifiable. Costpoint displays a warning that this information does not default from the requisition.

If the assigned purchase order already exists, either as standard or blanket, the transaction currency and related exchange rate information load from the existing purchase order header, and are non-modifiable. Costpoint displays a warning that this information does not default from the requisition, and that you must manually enter costs to ensure accuracy. If you select OK in the warning, the default values for the Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt, Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt, and Negotiated Ext Cost Amt are cleared. All amounts on the row are expressed in this transaction currency unless specifically noted otherwise.

If the assigned PO is a new subcontract PO:

  • A value of zero populates these fields: PO Release, PO Quantity (Req U/M), Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt (in transaction and functional currency), Negotiated Discount Amt, Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt (in the transactional and functional currency). The PO U/M field is blank and non-modifiable.
  • To save subcontract purchase orders, you must select a match option in the Auto-Voucher Creation group box of the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen.
  • Subcontract purchase orders cannot have any line charges.
  • Subcontract purchase orders allow only service or miscellaneous line types.

You must enter the information in this subtask before you can generate a purchase order line using the Manage Purchase Orders screen.


Field Description
Ready for PO

Select this checkbox to indicate that the requisition line is eligible to be turned into a purchase order line.

Auto-Assign PO

Select this checkbox to automatically assign a purchase order ID to the requisition line. Costpoint assigns the next purchase order number from Costpoint Purchasing.

Item This field displays the item ID.
Item Rev This field displays the item revision.
Description This field displays the item description.

Enter, or use to select, the identification code of the vendor assigned to this requisition line.

When you add a new line to the table window, this field defaults to the vendor ID established in the Header tab or the preferred vendor from the requisition line on the main screen. This default is modifiable.

Vendor Name

This field displays the descriptive name of the Vendor.

Vendor Address

This field displays the order address of the vendor.

Req Ln Pref Vendor This field displays the preferred vendor for the requisition line.
Purchase Order

If you cleared the Auto-Assign PO checkbox, you can use this field to enter, or use to select, a purchase order ID to assign to this requisition line.

If you selected the Auto-Assign PO checkbox, Costpoint assigns the purchase order IDs in accordance with the PO numbering method established in the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen in Costpoint Purchasing:

  • System: Costpoint automatically assigns the next available purchase order number when you save the purchase order.
  • Buyer: Costpoint automatically assigns the purchase order number in accordance with the numbering scheme for the buyer entered on the requisition line. Each buyer can have an individual purchase order numbering scheme established in the Buyers table.

Costpoint increments by one the last system purchase order number on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen or the Manage Buyers screen. Both screens are located in Costpoint Purchasing. After generation, the purchase order for this requisition line displays in this field.


If you select Manual as the purchase order numbering method in the Configure Purchase Order Vouchers Settings screen, Costpoint Procurement Planning does not assign a purchase order ID and no purchase order is created. Change the numbering method to System or Buyer to resolve this problem.


Enter a release number if this requisition line is for a blanket order that is to have issues released against it. Leave it blank (zero) to have Costpoint create a new release.

This field is optional for non-blanket order lines.

The release number must be zero if the purchase order type is not Release Order.

The release number must be greater than zero if the purchase order type is Release Order.


To create a blanket release you must first create a blanket order.

Blanket Line

Enter, or use to select, the blanket purchase order line number to assign to this requisition line. You can enter blanket purchase order lines only when you are either creating a release for an existing blanket order or assigning a new blanket order.

PO Line

This field displays the purchase order line assigned to this requisition line.

PO Quantity (PO U/M)

Enter the purchase order quantity, in the purchase order unit of measure, to be delivered by this vendor for this requisitioned line item.

Resource Exists If this checkbox is selected, a resource exists for the requisition.
Part Security This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls checkbox is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).
If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the part you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:
  • Unrestricted: The part is not subject to data security restrictions.
  • Restricted: The part is subject to data security restrictions and that you are authorized to access detailed part information.
  • ***UNAUTHORIZED***: The part is subject to data security restrictions and you are not authorized to access or view part information. This value is displayed in red background color.
Note: The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Enter, or use to select, a purchase order unit of measure for this requisition line.

PO Quantity (Req U/M)

This field displays the quantity to be requisitioned in the requisition line unit of measure.

Unassigned Quantity

This field displays the unassigned quantity, which Costpoint calculates by subtracting the order quantity of each assigned PO line from the requisitioned quantity.

Awarded Quote

Enter, or use to select, the quote ID that was used as a source for the requisitioned item.

Awarded Quote Line

Enter, or use to select, the quote line number used as a source for the requisitioned item.

Quote Award Reason

Enter, or use to select, the reason for awarding the specific quote to the purchase order.

Quote Award Reason Desc

Enter, or use to select, the description of the quote award reason.

Business Size

Select an option from the drop-down list to indicate the vendor's business size for this type of purchase order line.

PO Created

This field displays Y (Yes) if a purchase order line was already created for this requisition line. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Due Date

This field displays the date on which the requisitioned item is due for delivery as requested by the requisitioner. You can use this field to enter, or use to select, a different date.

Desired Date

This field displays the preferred date on which the requisitioned item should be delivered. You can use this field to enter, or use to select, a different date.

Ship ID

Enter, or use to select, the ship ID to which the requisitioned item is to be delivered.

Ship Via

This field displays the shipping method to be used by the vendor.


This field displays the currency code assigned to this requisition line.

Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt

Enter the negotiated gross unit cost for the requisitioned item.

Volume Discount

Enter the negotiated volume discount percentage the vendor is offering for the requisitioned item.

Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt

Enter the negotiated net unit cost for the requisitioned item.

Negotiated Extended Cost Amt

If the requisitioned item is a part or good, this field displays the negotiated extended cost, calculated as the sum of the PO Quantity (PO U/M) multiplied by the Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt.

If the requisitioned item is a service or miscellaneous type, use this field to enter the negotiated extended cost.


This field displays Y (Yes) if tax is to be calculated for the requisitioned item. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Sales Tax/VAT Amount

If the Taxable field displaysY, this field displays the sales tax/VAT amount for the requisitioned item.

PO Line Total Amount

This field displays the purchase order line total amount for this requisition line. This includes the extended line amount, sales tax/value added tax, and requisition line charge amounts.

Func Curr Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt

This field displays the Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt in functional currency.

Func Curr Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt

This field displays the Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt in functional currency.

Func Curr Negotiated Extended Cost Amt

This field displays the Negotiated Extended Cost Amt in functional currency.

Func Curr Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the Sales Tax/VAT Amount in functional currency.

Func Curr PO Line Total Amt

This field displays the PO Line Total Amount in functional currency.


Enter, or use to select, the identification code of the requisitioned item's manufacturer.

Manuf Part

Enter, or use to select, the manufacturer part number of the requisitioned item.

Mfg Rev

Enter, or use to select, the manufacturer revision number of the requisitioned item.

Vendor Part

Enter, or use to select, the vendor part number of the requisitioned item.

Vend Rev

Enter, or use to select, the vendor revision number of the requisitioned item.

PO Type

Select the purchase order type you want to generate. The valid options are as follows:

  • Blanket Order
  • GFM/GFE Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Release Order
  • Subcontract PO
Completed Work Retention Pct

Enter the percentage of the amount of work completed for this requisition line.

This field is pre-populated and modifiable if the PO Type is Subcontract PO and disabled for all other purchase order types.

Stored Materials Retention Pct

Enter the percentage of the retained stored materials for this requisition line.

This field is pre-populated and modifiable if the PO Type is Subcontract PO and disabled for all other purchase order types.

US Citizenship Reqd This checkbox displays as selected to specify that the resource associated with the requisition has to be a US citizen. If you enter a subcontract ID, this takes on the default value of the subcontract ID and cannot be modified. If a subcontract has not been referenced, and the Subcontractor Agreement checkbox is selected, this option is modifiable.
ITAR Authorization Reqd This checkbox displays as selected if the resource msut be authorized for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restricted items.
Security Clearance System ID This field displays the security clearance required for the vendor employee.
Security Clearance Description This field displays the security clearance description.
Security Clearance Level This field displays the security clearance level of the vendor employee.

This checkbox displays whether the resource associated with the requisition has to be cleared for sensitive compartmented information (SCI). This corresponds to the Security Clearance ID, if entered.

SAP This checkbox displays whether the resource associated with the requisition has to be cleared for special access programs (SAP). This corresponds to the Security Clearance ID, if entered.
Issuing Agency This field displays the agency that issued the vendor employee security clearance.
Misc Type This field displays the miscellaneous type.
Req U/M This field displays the unit of measure for the requisition.
Requested Qty This field displays the requested quantity for the requisition.
Requested Date This field displays the date the requisition was made.
NAICS Code Enter, or use to select, a valid North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the PO for the new record. For an existing record, this displays the NAICS code associated with the PO vendor specified in Manage Vendors.
Intracompany Vendor This checkbox is selected when the vendor associated to the PO is classified as intracompany vendor on the Manage Vendors screen.
NAICS Code Enter, or use to select, a valid NAICS code for the PO. The initial value will be the requisition line NAICS Code associated with the requisition line number you entered. If the requisition line NAICS Code is not available and the PO has a vendor, Costpoint will load the active primary NAICS Code associated with the PO vendor. Once the PO has been generated, this field will be uneditable.

Click this button to recalculate the line amounts for the assigned POs.

Load blanket PO unit cost

Click this button to override requisition line unit costs with blanket purchase order line unit cost if the requisitioned item is a service or miscellaneous type.


Subtask Definition
Serial/Lot Click this link to open the Serial/Lot subtask to pre-assign serial numbers and serial number information to the PO line.  
Exchange Rates Select this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask and maintain the transaction currency, rate groups, and exchange rates for the requisition. This link is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.