Contents of the View Sales Analysis Information Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the View Sales Analysis Information screen.
Field | Description |
Project |
To limit the inquiry to sales orders for one project, enter, or click
Catalog |
To limit the inquiry to sales orders for one catalog, enter, or click
Customer |
To limit the inquiry to sales orders for one customer, enter, or click
Sales Order |
To limit the inquiry to one sales order, enter, or click
Trans Currency |
To limit the inquiry to sales orders for one transaction currency, enter, or click
Select SO Status
Use this group box to retrieve a sales order or group of sales orders. Select the status code check boxes on which to base your inquiry then use
to display the related sales orders. Use these status codes with a value entered in the
Customer, or Sales Order fields, or base your inquiry solely on one or more status codes.
Field | Description |
Pending |
Select this check box to include sales orders with a pending status in your inquiry. |
Approved |
Select this check box to include sales orders with an approved status in your inquiry. |
Closed |
Select this check box to include sales orders with a closed status in your inquiry. |
Void |
Select this check box to include voided sales orders in your inquiry. |
In Approval |
Select this check box to include sales orders with an in-approval status in your inquiry. |
Rejected |
Select this check box to include sales orders with a rejected status in your inquiry. |
System Closed |
Select this check box to include sales orders with a system closed status in your inquiry. |
Table Window
Field | Description |
Sales Order |
This field displays the sales order ID. |
Rlse |
This field displays the release number associated with the sales order ID. |
Type |
This field displays the only available type code, S (Sales order). Other codes display when options such as change orders, blanket orders, and release orders are added in a future version of Costpoint. |
Status |
This field displays the sales order status. |
Approval Process |
This field displays the approval process for the sales order if approvals are required; otherwise, this field is blank. |
Customer |
This field displays the customer ID from the sales order. |
Customer Name |
This field displays the name customer's name from the sales order. |
Price Project |
This field displays the price project ID, if selected on the sales order. |
Price Catalog |
This field displays the price catalog ID, if selected on the sales order. |
Sales Rep |
This field displays the sales representative's ID, if selected on the sales order.. |
Sales Rep Name |
This field displays the sales representative's name. |
Order Date |
This field displays the date on which the sales order was created. |
Trans Currency |
This field displays the transaction currency of the sales order line item. |
Trans Currency SO Total Amt |
This field displays the total amount of the sales order line item listed in transaction currency. |
SO Total Amt |
This field displays the sales order's total amount, including line charges and taxes. |
Subtask | Description |
Sales Analysis | Click this link to open the Sales Analysis subtask. Use this to view the sales analysis for the order as a whole using cumulative line information. |
Sales Orde Lines | Click this link to open the Sales Order Lines subtask. |
Exchange Rate | Click this link to open the Exchange Rate subtask. Click this link to view exchange rate information for the sales order row. |
User-Defined Info | Click this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask. |
SO Header Documents | Click this link to open the SO Header Documents subtask. |