Contents of the Configure Sales Order Defaults Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Sales Order Defaults screen.

SO Defaults

Use this group box to enter default information related to processing material for shipment.

Field Description
Allow Overshipments

Select this check box to indicate that the customer accepts overshipments or leave it cleared to prevent the quantity issued from exceeding the quantity ordered. This check box defaults to the Allowed Overshipments check box on the Sales Order tab of the Manage Customers screen. The selection you make here defaults to each sales order header and line from the Manage Customers screen, but it can be modified.

If you try to issue a quantity greater than the quantity ordered, either a warning or error message displays depending on your selection in the Hard Edit Options group box of this screen.

Allow Partial Shipments

Select this check box to indicate that the customer accepts partial shipments. This check box defaults to the Allow Partial Shipments check box on the Sales Order tab of the Manage Customers screen. The selection you make here defaults to each sales order header from the Manage Customers screen, but it can be modified.

If you try to issue a partial quantity for a sales order, either a warning or error message displays depending on your selection in the Hard Edit Options group box of this screen.

Allow Substitutions

Select this check box to indicate that the customer allows item substitutions. This check box defaults to the Allow Substitutions check box on the Sales Order tab of the Manage Customers screen. The selection you make here defaults to each sales order header and line from the Manage Customers screen, but it can be modified.

If you try to issue a substitute item in place of an ordered item for a sales order line, either a warning or error message displays depending on your selection in the Hard Edit Options group box of this screen.

Acknowledgment Reqd

Select this check box to indicate that the customer requires a sales order acknowledgment. This check box defaults to the Acknowledgment Required check box on the Sales Order tab of the Manage Customers screen. The selection you make here defaults to each sales order header from the Manage Customers screen, but it can be modified.

Hard Edit Options

Use the fields in this group box to choose between two types of edits in selected sales order entry screens; either soft warning messages or hard edits that prevent a user from executing an action or saving a record. The hard edit option affects the two issue transaction screens, Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues and Manage Sales Order Non-Inventory Issues.

Field Description

Select this check box to prevent issuing a quantity greater than the quantity ordered on the sales order. Clear this check box to display a warning message when overshipments for an item are entered.


Select this check box to prevent issuing a quantity in partial amounts. Clear this check box to display a warning message when partial quantity shipments for an item are entered.


Select this check box to activate the hard edit option. This prevents issuing a substitute item. Clear this check box to display a warning message when substitute items are entered.

SO Processing

Field Description
Enable Auto-Issue

Select this check box to ensure that the open order quantities of a sales order line populate the issue quantity field in the issue transaction screens. You must select this check box to enable the Auto-Issue function on the Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues and Manage Sales Order Non-Inventory Issues screens. If you clear the check box, you must manually enter issue quantities.

Allow SO Description Changes

Select this check box to allow modification of the item description on the sales order line. This check box defaults to the Allow SO Description Changes check boxes on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults and Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens. The default item description displays on the sales order line as established on the Manage Item Billings screen. You can modify this default for each pricing project or pricing catalog.

Allow Invoice Description Changes

Select this check box to allow modification of the item description on the invoice line. The default item description displays on the invoice line as established on the sales order line. You can modify the item description for each pricing project or pricing catalog. This check box defaults to the Allow Invoice Description Changes check boxes on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults and Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens.

Override Product Sales File Price

Select this check box to allow modification of the item price on the sales order line. The default item price displays on the sales order line as established in the product sales file. You can modify the item price for individual pricing projects and catalogs. This check box defaults to the Override Product Sales File Price check boxes on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults and Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens.

The sales price entered on the sales order defaults to the invoice. You cannot modify the price on the Manage Invoices screen, but you can modify it on the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

Combine Multiple Issues on Shipment

Select this check box to have items on the same sales order, which were issued from inventory (or in-transit items) on separate issue transactions, shipped to the customer collectively. Clear this check box if items on the same sales order must be packaged and shipped as they are issued.

This check box relates to INV (Inventory) and INT (In-Transit) line types and associated shipping information. Items issued from inventory and items designated as in-transit require that an issue transaction is entered in Costpoint as well as a shipping transaction or packing slip. Costpoint assigns a packing slip number when you enter shipping information for an item. During entry of the relevant shipping data, associated issue information defaults into the Shipping Information tab of the Manage Shipping Transactions screen.

Combine Multiple Issues on Invoice

When you select the Combine Issues on Invoice check box on the Create Invoices screen, the application combines multiple issues on one customer invoice. Clear this check box to have the application create one invoice for each of the order's issue transactions. You can modify the default value provided by this check box during the create invoices process.

This check box defaults to the Create Invoices screen for items that are DRP (Dropshipped) line item types. Dropshipment items require an issue transaction before they are eligible for invoicing.

iRAPT Options

Field Description
Enable SO Invoices for iRAPT

Select this check box to turn the Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer (iRAPT) functionality on. This field is selected by default. When this check box is cleared here, iRAPT files cannot be created for any sales order invoices (warning provided). The selection you made and saved on this screen defaults to the SO Addresses tab of the Manage Customers screen.

File Location

Enter, or click to select, a valid alternate file location where you want to save your iRAPT information.

Note: You can also manually enter/modify the default output path field. A file name (with a .FTP extension) is optional in the output path. You can choose to save only the path to the directory where created iRAPT files are saved, and only the path defaults into the Create iRAPT Files screen. You have to manually add a file name on that screen.


Use the fields in this group box to define the method used to generate radio frequency identification tags.

Field Description

Select the type of Department of Defense (DoD) construct for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) generation from the drop-down list. Your options are:

  • DoD 64: This identity type is used to encode 64-bit Class 0 and Class 1 tags for shipping goods to the DoD. The 64-bit tag is broken into a number of fields. After all the field values have been determined, the entire contents of the tag can be viewed as a single unique number used to identify a shipment to the DoD.
  • DoD 96: This identity type is used to encode 96-bit Class 0 and Class 1 tags for shipping goods to the DoD. The 96-bit tag is broken into a number of fields. After all the field values have been determined, the entire contents of the tag can be viewed as a single unique number used to identify a shipment to the DoD.

Enter the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code to be used for RFID generation. The CAGE code is a unique identifier assigned and managed by the DoD. It is a sequence of five alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies the supplier. It is used to ensure that the RFID tag from a given supplier cannot contain the same identifier as those from another supplier.

Last RFID Serial Number

Enter the last serial number used for RFID generation. Future serial numbers will increment from this number.