Contents of the View Rough-Cut Capacity Plan Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the View Rough-Cut Capacity Plan screen.
Field | Description |
MPS Plan |
Enter, or click
Key Resource |
Enter, or click
Cutoff Date |
Enter, or click
Resource Type |
Enter, or click
Include Forecast Demand |
Select this check box to include forecasted demand load in the capacity plan. If you do not select this check box, load calculations include firm independent demand requirements (for example, sales orders and reservations) only. |
Key Resource Load
Field | Description |
Week Ending |
Load figures for a key resource are summed up into weekly numbers. The end of the week is determined by the Ending Day Of Production Week value on the Configure MRP Report Print Options screen. Costpoint sums all load occurring after one week's ending period date but equal to or before the next week's period end date. The current week may include less than a full number of days. For instance, if the end of week day is Friday, and today is Thursday, load scheduled to be consumed for today and tomorrow is grouped in a row with tomorrow as the end date. Past-due requirements are ignored in rough-cut capacity planning. |
Key Resource |
This field displays the ID of the key resource (typically equipment, personnel, work center, or vendor) referenced on the row. The key resource description displays in the field to the right. |
Resource Type |
This field displays the key resource's assigned resource type. These codes are set up on the Manage Resource Types screen in the Master Production Scheduling and Routings modules. |
Weekly Capacity |
This field displays the capacity, in the key resource's unit of measure, of the key resource during the specified week. For example, the weekly capacity could be 30 hours per week. This figure is maintained on the Manage Key Resources screen in the MPS or Routings modules. |
Total Load Qty |
This field displays the total quantity of the production load. |
Total Load % |
This percentage highlights how load for the key resource relates to the resource's capacity. The load for that week/key resource is divided by the key resource capacity for that week. Costpoint calculates this percentage. |
Resource U/M |
This field displays the key resource's unit of measure, such as hours, specified on the Manage Key Resources screen. |
Demand Quantities by Type
Field | Description |
Sales Order |
This field displays the sum of production load, in the key resource's unit of measure, driven by sales order demand requirements for a given key resource/week. |
Reservation |
This field displays the sum of production load, in the key resource's unit of measure, driven by inventory reservation demand requirements for a given key resource/week. |
Forecast |
This field displays the sum of production load, in the key resource's unit of measure, driven by sales and UDF forecast demand requirements for a given key resource/week. If you do not select the Include Forecast Demand check box, this column displays zeros. |
Subtask | Description |
Key Resource | Click this link to access the Key Resource Detail subtask, which displays additional information about the selected row's key resource. |
Weekly Detail | Click this link to access the Weekly Detail subtask, which displays additional information about the source of the selected row's key resource load. |