Contents of the Manage Correcting Timesheets Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Correcting Timesheets screen.
Correcting Timesheets
Field | Description |
Timesheet Date |
Enter, or click
You must enter a date within an open timesheet period. You can use the Manage Timesheet Periods screen to open a timesheet cycle. The timesheet date must fall within an open period in order for you to save the timesheet record. After you save the corrected timesheet, this date displays in the Reference Date field on the original timesheet available on the Manage Timesheets screen. |
Employee |
This non-editable field displays the employee ID. The adjacent field displays the employee name. |
Timesheet Type |
This non-editable field displays the timesheet type. |
Sequence |
This non-editable field displays the timesheet sequence number. The number displayed in this field is based on the data in the Date, Employee, and Type fields. You can create one timesheet for each unique date/employee ID/timesheet type combination, with a maximum of nine sequences. D-Correcting timesheets begin with a sequence "11," (or one, one). The first "1" represents the sequence and the second "1" denotes the first correction; therefore, "11" represents the first sequence of the D-Correcting timesheet and the first correction of a regular timesheet. A sequence "21" represents the second sequence of a D-Correcting timesheet and first correction of a regular timesheet. A sequence "99" represents the ninth sequence of the D-Correcting timesheet and the ninth correction of a regular timesheet; it is unlikely, however, that you will ever create a sequence "99" timesheet. |
Regular Hours |
This field displays the regular, non-overtime labor hours. You can enter up to two places to the right of the decimal in this numeric field. |
Other Hours |
This field displays the overtime hours. You can enter up to two places to the right of the decimal in this numeric field. |
Total Hours |
This non-editable field displays the sum of the values in the Regular Hours and Other Hours fields. |
Fiscal Year |
Enter, or click
Period |
Enter, or click
Subperiod |
Enter, or click
Overtime State |
This field displays the OT state charged on the previous timesheet. You can enter, or click
Rate Type |
This non-editable field displays the rate type of the employee, based on data you entered on the Employee Salary Information record. Valid values are:
FLSA Status |
This non-editable field displays the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status, based on data you entered on the Manage Employee Salary Information record. |
Labor Group/Union |
This non-editable field displays the labor group or union, based on data you entered on the Employee Salary Information record. |
Transaction Currency |
This field displays the transaction currency used for the timesheet. The transaction currency will initially default from the employee’s Manage Employee Salary Information. However, you can use the Exchange Rates subtask can be used to change the timesheet currency.
Note: You can only view this field if you the
Enable multicurrency functionality
checkbox is enabled on the Configure Labor Settings screen.
Total Regular Hrs |
This non-editable field displays the total number of regular, non-overtime hours. |
Total Other Hrs |
This non-editable field displays the total number of overtime hours. |
Total Hours |
This non-editable field displays the sum of the values in the Regular Hours and Other Hours fields. |
Total Labor Amt |
This non-editable field displays the total labor amount, based on the sum of the values in the Amount field on the timesheet lines. If you use and enable Costpoint's Multicurrency (MU) functionality, the label of this field is Trans Amount. |
Reference Date |
This field displays the date of the original timesheet, in MM/DD/YYYY format, by which to reference this timesheet. This date is not validated against the timesheet date of the other timesheet and therefore can be entered at any time. You normally use correcting timesheets whenever a timesheet error is discovered after the timesheet can no longer be directly edited (after it has been posted to the G/L, posted to payroll, computed for leave, or computed for payroll), and when the original timesheet being corrected has been purged from the Labor Distribution File. |
Reference Sequence |
This field displays the reference number of the original timesheet in order to associate this timesheet with the current one. The reference date and sequence number are used to reference Regular timesheets in order to calculate the auto-adjusted rates. |
Reference Code |
This code refers to the original timesheet type of the timesheet line. If the timesheet type is D or N, then the reference code will be R. |
Auto Adjust % |
This field displays the auto adjust percentage. This field may populate automatically after you enter data in the Employee field, contingent upon the data you entered in the Default Auto-Adjustment Percent field on the Manage Timesheet Periods screen. Costpoint uses this percentage to recalculate pay, despite the number of labor hours. The auto adjust feature synchronizes the timesheet data with the data on the Manage Employee Salary Information record to eliminate any pay variance. If, for example, a salaried employee works 50.00 hours in a week, enter 100% in this field if the employee is to be paid his regular pay based on data on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. In this circumstance, adjust the pay at 100%, and the employee is paid his regular base pay for the week. Therefore, this employee is paid for 40.00 hours, even though he worked 50.00. The auto adjust calculation may be performed after you save the record, contingent upon the setup on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen. Note:
The auto adjust feature works in conjunction with the setup you establish on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen. Your selections in the Correcting and Labor Only TS Auto-Adjust Options group box determines which employees are eligible for the auto adjust calculation. |
Batch | This field displays the batch ID to which this timesheet was applied. |
Entered By |
This non-editable field displays the name of the user who entered the timesheet. |
Entry Date |
This non-editable field displays the system date on which the timesheet was entered. |
Source |
This field displays the application used to enter the timesheet. |
Auto-Adjust |
Click this button to execute the auto adjust process that adjusts the labor cost, and related hourly rate, for the employees to the amount of their salary. If you selected the Enable for Salaried Employees checkbox in the Automatic Auto-Adjust group box on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen and this employee is Salary Fixed or Salary Fluctuating, this button is unavailable. Likewise, if you have selected the Enable for Hourly Employees checkbox, and this employee is Hourly, this button is unavailable. The auto-adjust function is done automatically. Otherwise, the button is enabled. When Multicurrency Labor is enabled, the auto-adjust functionality adjusts the transaction amounts to match the employee’s payroll salary amount. The Labor Costs (Functional Amounts) will be determined by multiplying the exchange rate by the transaction amounts. |
Prorate |
Click this button to prorate this salaried employee's timesheet. Hourly employees cannot be prorated. If you selected None as your Calculation Method in the Prorate Options group box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this button is disabled. Vacation time is handled the same way as work time. Holiday time is not included. If you use this functionality, you do not have to enter Leave Without Pay timesheet lines for salaried employees. You cannot use this function on an auto-adjusted timesheet. The application excludes from the day count any days where the only pay types designated are:
Negative LWOP | Click this button to create a negative LWOP line for the positive LWOP pay type. You may only add one negative LWOP timesheet line for each positive LWOP timesheet line. |
Generate Fringe |
Click this button to create a fringe handling line. When fringe is generated, if an override hourly fringe amount is assigned to the timesheet’s transaction currency, that override rate will be used to calculate the fringe transaction amount. If an override account is assigned to the timesheet’s transaction currency, that account will be used to build the wage determination fringe timesheet line. |
Calc Func Amount |
Click this button to recalculate the functional currency amounts when you change the exchange rate in the Exchange Rates subtask. If the transaction currency currently displayed on the timesheet is not correct due to the Rate Date, open the Exchange Rates subtask and correct the Rate Date, then click Find Rates (to determine the exchange rate), click Apply, then save the record. You can only view this field if you enable Costpoint's Multicurrency (MU) functionality. |
Correcting Timesheet Lines
All of the timesheet line detail in this table window originates from data you entered on a previous timesheet.
You can enter up to 999 timesheet lines on one timesheet. If more than 999 lines are required, you can use additional sequence numbers for the same date/employee ID/timesheet type combination.
In addition, defaults and validations were added to the withholdings fields to accommodate multi-state withholdings, as determined by the employee's pay cycle. These checks and validations are triggered if the employee's pay cycle is set for multi-state withholdings.
Field | Description |
Line Type |
This field displays the timesheet line type. The system-defined line types include:
Line Number |
This field displays the timesheet line number. As you add timesheet lines, this number increases sequentially. Timesheet lines remain in the order in which they are entered. Lines with the same account number are not combined. You can use the scrollbar to view additional timesheet lines. |
Line Date |
Enter, or click
Enter, or click
There are 12 levels of project-specific timesheet line defaults. Here is a summary of each level:
Project |
Enter, or click
Project Name |
This non-editable field displays the project name associated with the data displayed in the Project field on this timesheet line. |
Account |
Enter, or click
Account Name |
This non-editable field displays the account name associated with the data displayed in the Account field. |
Organization |
Enter, or click
Organization Name |
This non-editable field displays the organization name associated with the data displayed in the Organization field on this timesheet line. |
Pay Type |
Enter, or click
Hours |
This field displays the employee labor hours. |
Trans Amount |
Enter the labor cost for the transaction currency in which the hours were worked. You can use this field if have a license for Costpoint Multicurrency (MU) and Multicurrency Functionality is enabled in the Configure Labor Settings screen. |
Amount |
This field displays the labor costs for each timesheet line. Labor costs are calculated in a number of ways, depending on the system settings in effect. Based on your setup on the Configure Labor Settings, Manage Wage Determination Rates, Manage Pay Types, and Manage Employee Salary Information screens, various calculations may be performed to calculate this amount. Labor costs, however, are not displayed if labor suppression is in effect. Labor suppression is established on the Users screen and, if active, prevents display of the Amount field on the timesheet line. |
Labor Cost/Func Amount |
Enter the labor cost/functional amount for this timesheet line. |
Enter, or click
The GLC code must display on the General Labor Categories screen. If you assigned GLC codes to this employee on the Assign GLCs to Employees screen, a warning displays if the GLC charged was not assigned, although you can still save the timesheet record. If no GLC assignments were established for the affected employee, Costpoint does not perform any validation. If you selected the Allow Edit of GLC checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen, you can change the GLC code for this timesheet line. If you did not select the Allow Edit of GLC checkbox, you cannot change the GLC. In this case, you must accept the GLC defaults. |
Enter, or click
There are various levels of PLC timesheet defaults. |
Bill Date |
Enter, or click
When you enter a PLC on a timesheet line, the subperiod end date default into this field. The Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields in the top table window of this screen, therefore, must contain data in order for the subperiod end date to default into this field. The effective bill date represents the date on which the PLC billing rates become effective. |
Labor Location |
Enter, or click
If you selected the Require Labor Location checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen, you must enter data in this field. |
W/H State |
Enter, or click
If you selected the Enable Union Functionality checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen and the Union Employee checkbox is selected for the employee on the Manage Employee Information screen, this field automatically defaults with the indicated project's withholding state from the Manage Union Profiles screen. The withholding state (for the union/project) defaults on the timesheet line based on the matching union, local, and GLC that are assigned to the employee on the Employee Salary Information screen. Note: You can view this field only if your company has a Costpoint Payroll license.
W/H Locality |
Enter, or click
If you selected the Enable Union Functionality checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen and the Union Employee checkbox is selected for the employee on the Manage Employee Information screen, this field automatically defaults with the indicated project's locality withholding code from the Manage Union Profiles screen. The locality withholding code (for the union/project) defaults on the timesheet line based on the matching union, local, and GLC that are assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. Note: You can view this field only if your company has a Costpoint Payroll license.
Workers' Compensation |
Enter, or click
Proj Abbrev |
Enter, or click
If you established the project/abbreviation on the Manage Project User Flow screen and you enter data in this field, its related project defaults in the Project field on the timesheet line. |
Proj/Acct Abbrev |
Enter, or click
If you established project/account abbreviations on the Manage Project User Flow screen and you enter data in this field, its related account number defaults in the Account field on the timesheet line. |
Org Abbrev |
Enter, or click
If you established the organization abbreviation on the Manage Organization Elements screen and you enter data in this field, its related organization defaults into the Organization field. |
Salary Cap Code |
This field displays a code that indicates if this timesheet line was salary capped. |
Transaction ID |
This field displays the timesheet line's transaction ID from Shop Floor Time. |
Line Source |
This field displays the application used to enter the timesheet line. Note:
Click the Default Line, Generate Fringe Line, Default MO Data, and Default SO Data buttons to populate specific timesheet lines. Your ability to populate these lines, however, is based on previous setup. For instance, you must select an M line type to add or modify records on the Manufacturing Order Timesheet Information subtask; you must select an S line type to add or modify records on the Sales Order Timesheet Information subtask. You must select the respective line or line type, then click the appropriate button to populate the timesheet lines. |
Entered Hours |
This non-editable field displays the total number of timesheet hours. |
Ref 1 |
Enter, or click
You can modify the reference field heading on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen to better suit the needs of your company. |
Ref 2 |
Enter, or click
You can modify the reference field heading on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen to better suit the needs of your company. |
Union Fringe Code |
Enter, or click
Note: You can view this field only if the
Enable Union Functionality checkbox is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen.
Notes |
Enter more timesheet notes relevant to this record. |
Default line |
Click this button to load all employee defaults for the selected line. |
Load MO Data |
Click this button to populate fields related to a manufacturing order timesheet line. You must select the M timesheet line type, enter data on the Manufacturing Order Timesheet Information subtask, and click this button to populate the designated fields. Note: You can view this button only if your company has a Manufacturing Order license.
Load SO Data |
Click this button to populate fields related to a sales order timesheet line. You must select the S timesheet line type, enter data on the Sales Order Timesheet Information subtask, and click this button to populate the designated fields. Note: You can view this button only if your company has a Sales Order license.
Subtask | Description |
Exchange Rates | Click this link to add, edit, and/or view exchange rate information. |
Manufacturing Order Timesheet Information | Click this link to use the Manufacturing Order Timesheet Information subtask to add or modify manufacturing order timesheet information. To add or modify data in this subtask, you must select a timesheet line that has an
M (Manufacturing Order) line type.
Note: You can view this subtask only if your company has a Manufacturing Order license.
Sales Order Timesheet Information | Click this link to use the Sales Order Timesheet Information subtask to add or modify sales order timesheet information. To add or modify data in this subtask, you must select a timesheet line that has an
S (Sales Order) line type.
Note: You can view this subtask only if your company has a Sales Order license.