Processing Details
When you click the
buttons, the application performs the following steps:
Step | Descripiton |
1 | Worktables required by the application are created. If an error occurs during this process, the application is halted and an error message is displayed. |
2 | Timesheet records are selected for processing. To be processed by this application, a timesheet must meet the following selection criteria:
3 | If no timesheet records meet the selection criteria, processing halts and a message displays. |
4 | The application translates the 12-character employee ID field on each timesheet record into a 10-character Ceridian employee ID using the formatting rules established in the Manage Ceridian Configuration screen. If you did not establish an ID format, the application halts and an error message displays. |
5 | The application determines whether the Costpoint account for each timesheet line record exists in the Ceridian Mappings table. If a match is found, the application inserts the record into the export data worktable, using the Ceridian pay code and rate code that are linked to the Costpoint account. |
6 | The application then determines whether the Costpoint pay type for each remaining timesheet line record exists in the Ceridian Mappings table. If a match is found, the application inserts the record into the export data worktable, using the Ceridian pay code and rate code that are linked to the Costpoint pay type. |
7 | The remaining timesheet records that were not inserted into the export data worktable contain accounts and pay types that are not linked to a Ceridian pay code and rate code. The application inserts these records into the error worktable. |
8 | The system examines each record in the export data worktable for the following errors (timesheet records failing any of these tests are inserted into the error worktable):
9 | If you selected the Use Pay Code 8 for all Bonus Timesheets check box, the application examines the export data worktable for all timesheet line records with a timesheet type of
B (Bonus). All records with this timesheet type are updated with a Ceridian pay code of
8. If you selected a Ceridian Product of
Source 500 Series on this screen, processing stops at this point, the audit and error reports are generated, and the worktables are dropped from the database if either of the following conditions is true:
10 | The application identifies timesheet line records in the export data worktable that belong to salaried employees. For the purposes of this application, a salaried employee is defined as one who has an Hourly/Salaried status of F (salaried with Fluctuating hours) or S (Salaried) in the Employee Labor Information table as of the processing date. |
11 | Within the subset of timesheet line records identified in step 10, the application identifies salaried employees not receiving a regular paycheck. To meet this criterion, a salaried employee can have timesheet line records with Ceridian pay codes of only V, 7, 8, or 9. |
12 | For each salaried employee meeting the criterion in step 11, the application inserts one Ceridian type "30" record (employee status change) into the export data worktable with a status code of S (Skip forecast). When exported, this record tells Ceridian that the specified salaried employee is not receiving a regular paycheck or overtime during this pay period, but is receiving at least one other type of check (a type V, 7, 8, or 9 check). This prevents Ceridian from generating a regular paycheck for the employee's normal salary amount in addition to the special check(s). |
At this point, processing stops, the audit and error reports are generated, and the worktables are dropped from the database if either of the following conditions is true:
was clicked.
- One or more error records were written to the error worktable.
If no errors are encountered during the initial phase of processing and the selected Ceridian Product is Signature, the following steps occur:
Step | Descripiton |
1 | The output file is opened for write access. If a file with the same name already exists, it is overwritten. |
2 | The type -DC- and BA control records are written to the output file. (See the Ceridian Export File Layout section for the layout of all record types and the data sources for all fields.) |
3 | One type 51 record is written to the output file for each timesheet line record in the export data worktable. This means, for example, that if an employee has a timesheet with 10 charge lines, 10 type 51 records for that employee are written to the export file. |
4 | One type 30 record with a status code of S is written to the output file for each salaried employee receiving one or more special checks but no regular or overtime checks for the pay period. (See steps 10 through 12 in the preceding section for more information.) |
5 | The type 95 batch total record is written to the output file. The output file is then closed and the application verifies that it was created. |
6 | If you selected the Set Payroll Posted Flag check box, the application identifies the Timesheet Header table records for each timesheet that was processed by the application. For each of these records, the Payroll Posted Flag is set to Y (posted). |
7 | The audit and error reports are generated, and the worktables are dropped from the database. Processing is completed. |
If no errors are encountered during the initial phase of processing and the selected Ceridian Product is Source 500 Series, the following steps occur:
Step | Descripiton |
1 | The output file is opened for write access. If a file with the same name already exists, it is overwritten. |
2 | A record is written to the output file for each timesheet line record in the export data worktable. For example, if an employee has a timesheet with 10 charge lines, 10 records for that employee are written to the export file. |
3 | If you selected the Set Payroll Posted Flag check box, the application identifies the Timesheet Header table records for each timesheet that was processed by the application. For each of these records, the Payroll Posted Flag is set to Y (posted). |
4 | The audit and error reports are generated, and the worktables are dropped from the database. Processing is now complete. |
In rare circumstances, you may have to reset the Payroll Posted Flag to a value of N (not posted) after the Ceridian file has been exported so that the download process can be rerun for the same timesheets. Such circumstances could include the inadvertent corruption or deletion of the export file, or the need to add more employee timesheets to the payroll transmission. Use the Delete Timesheet Payroll Computed Flags screen to reset this flag. See your Costpoint Payroll documentation for information on how to use this application.