Input Options -Required Fields Tab

Use the Input Options tab to select the input options that you require the user to enter when filling out an expense report.

The required input options also have the choices available in the Description field of the Accounts Payable voucher.

You can select as many or as few options as necessary. The options available depend on the Wizard Type you selected on the Basic Information tab.

Required Fields

The input options displayed in this group box are enabled based on the Wizard Type you chose on the Basic Information tab.

Field Description

Select this check box to require the user to enter the provider when entering expenses against this expense type. This check box is available for all Wizard Type options.


Select this check box to require users to specify the location that the expense applies to.

Location is available to any expense type regardless of the Wizard Type. Location is available for selection when the Track Multiple Locations check box is selected on the Expense Types/Basic Information tab.


Select this check box if the expense is for multiple days. The user has the option to clear the check box for any meals that were provided by someone else. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Other or Meals.

To set a meal expense for a single meal only, clear the check box, which makes meal check boxes under Identify Meals editable.
Note: This check box is only editable for per diem with ceiling expenses. If Type on the Basic Information tab is set to Allowance this field is not editable.

Select this check box to require the user to enter the itinerary when entering expenses against this expense type. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Transportation.

Ticket/Agreement Number

Select this check box to require the user to enter a ticket number when entering expenses against this expense type. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Car Rental or Transportation.

Unit Label

Enter the label that should appear on the expense report for this expense type. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Other or Mileage.

Examples of unit labels are Miles, Copies, and Minutes.

Number of Decimals

This field allows system administrators to determine the number of characters to the right of the decimal for the entered expense. Specifying something other than 0 allows users to enter their expenses in a fraction. This option is currently only available for expense types using the Mileage or Other Wizards.

Starting/Ending Units

Select this check box to require the user to enter the starting number of units and the ending number of units on the expense report. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Other or Mileage.

Example: You might select this check box if your company uses a company car and you want employees to enter the starting and ending odometer numbers.

Identify Meals

Select this check box to require the user to identify the meals that made up the expense amount. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Entertainment or Meals.

These check boxes are editable for non-per diem expense types or per diem with ceiling expense types if Multiday is clear. If Multiday is selected for a per diem ceiling expense type, then these check boxes are selected by default and not editable. When the user selects a per diem ceiling expense in Expense Report, they have the option to edit all three meal types. To instead create a per diem meal with ceiling expense type for a single meal only, select the meal and clear the other two check boxes.


Select this check box if you wish to enter a ceiling for the breakfast amount of the expense. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Entertainment or Meals.


Select this check box if you wish to enter a ceiling for the lunch amount of the expense. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Entertainment or Meals.


Select this check box if you wish to enter a ceiling for the dinner amount of the expense. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Entertainment or Meals.


The Incidentals check box is available if the Wizard Type is Meals or Entertainment and you select the Per Diem check box on the Expense Type Basic Information tab. Select the Incidentals check box in the Meals Wizard to include incidental expenses on the expense reports. Clearing the Incidentals check box in the Meals Wizard will result in the user not being reimbursed the Incidental amount for the day(s) selected. The system validates the other expenses added by this employee to verify that they have not already claimed Incidentals for the same day. The Calculation Wizard then takes into account the ceiling amount based on whether this check box is clear or selected.

Combine Meals/Lodging Select this check box if you wish to combine all your meals and lodging expenses.

Once the feature is enabled for a specific expense type, a Conference check box displays on the Lodging Expense Detail form of the expense report. It also displays on the Meal Expense Detail form for instances where lodging and meals are combined. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Meals or Lodging.

When completing an expense report, users can select Conference to indicate that a lodging stay is payable and billable at a percentage greater than the per diem rate, for example, 125%.

Deltek Expense then processes the expense at the normal government rate times whatever percentage is entered for the expense type in Percent Adjustment. It then takes the allowable rate and multiplies it by 1 + the percentage adjustment rate for the expense type for which it is configured, with upwards rounding.


Select this check box to require the user to record the names of any individuals included in the expense amount. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Entertainment or Meals.

Require Title/Company

Select this check box to require the user to record the title and company of any individuals included in the expense amount. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Entertainment or Meals.

Suppress Employee ID in Lookup

Select this check box if you wish to exclude the employee's Login ID in the Short Description field on the expense report. This option is available when the Wizard Type is or


The options that display in this group box depend on the Wizard Type you selected on the Basic Information tab. The items selected in the Description group box are displayed in the Short Description field on the expense report.

Field Description
Employee ID

Select this check box to include the employee's Login ID in the Lookup field on the expense report. This check box is available for all Wizard Type options.

Expense Report ID

Select this check box to include the expense report ID in the Short Description field on the expense report. This check box is available for all Wizard Type options.

Expense Type

Select this check box to include the expense type in the Short Description field on the expense report. This check box is available for all Wizard Type options.


Select this check box to include the provider in the Short Description field on the expense report. This check box is available for all Wizard Type options.

Expense Date

Select this check box to include the expense date in the Short Description field on the expense report. This check box is available for all Wizard Type options.

User-Defined Value 1

Select this check box to include the first user-defined value in the Short Description field on the expense report. This option is available for all Wizard Type options.

User-Defined Value 2

Select this check box to include the second user-defined value in the Short Description field on the expense report. This option is available for all Wizard Type options.

User-Defined Value 3

Select this check box to include the third user-defined value in the Short Description field on the expense report. This option is available for all Wizard Type options.

Note: If you do not select a particular check box in the Required Fields group box, you should not select that same check box in the Description group box. For example, if you do not select the Provider check box in the Required Fields group box, you should not select the Provider check box in the Description group box.

This field corresponds to the Voucher Description field. Please note that, in Costpoint, this field contains up to 30 characters, while in Deltek Expense, it contains up to 120 characters. Any remaining characters after 30 are not included in Costpoint. Keep this in mind when deciding which fields to include.

Start/End or Departure/Return Dates

Select this check box to include the start and end dates or the departure and return dates in the Short Description field on the expense report. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Car Rental, Lodging, Meals, Other, or Transportation.

Ticket/Agreement Number

Select this check box to include the ticket number in the Short Description field on the expense report. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Car > Rental or Transportation.


Select this check box to include the itinerary in the Short Description field on the expense report. This option is available when the Wizard Type is Transportation.

User-Defined Values

This table displays the field label(s) for the user-defined values that are used for this expense type. You can enter up to three user-defined field values for each expense type.

For example, If the Expense Type is Airfare-Domestic, you can set up user-defined values for it and give one of them the label Domestic Ticket Type and another the label Domestic Service Class. If the Expense Type is Airfare - International, you can set up different user-defined values for it and give one value the label of International Ticket Type, one a value of International Service Class, and one a value of Type of Meal Included.

Field Description

Select this check box if users are required to select a value for this user-defined value on their expense reports.


Select this check box if the selection list must be validated. If you select this check box, the user, when entering an expense, can choose the value from the drop-down that you have set up on the User-Defined Values tab. If you do not select this check box, the user can enter any text he wants.

This field corresponds to the Voucher Description field. Please note that, in Costpoint, this field contains up to 30 characters, while in Time & Expense, it contains up to 120 characters. Any remaining characters after 30 are not included in Costpoint. Keep this in mind when deciding which fields to include.


Use these check boxes to show unallowable expenses and require that the user explain the reason for the unallowable expense.

Field Description
Record Unallowable

Select this check box if you require that users include a record of all unallowable expenses.

Require Unallowable Explanation Select this check box if you require that users explain the reason for submitting an unallowable expense.


Field Description
Allow override of Trip Start/End Dates

Select this option to allow users to override the expense report start/end dates when entering meal expenses. This check box is available only when the Wizard Type is Meals and only for per diem expense types.

Typically, the expense report start date counts as the first day of the trip, and the end date of the report counts as the last. On these days, per diem meal expenses are most often reimbursed at 75%, while all the days between are reimbursed at 100%.

In some cases, however, a single expense report may cover a series of trips taken over a period of weeks, with, for example, the employee returning home on a Friday and leaving again on the following Monday.

When this mix of travel/non-travel occurs within a single expense report period, meals on those days where travel starts or ends should be reimbursed at 75%, not 100% — even when those days fall between the expense report start/end dates.

For example, let's say an employee will take multiple trips between March 1 and March 31, but plans to submit just one expense report for the entire period. After the first trip, the employee returns home on Friday March 5 but leaves again on Monday, March 8.

In this case, even though March 8 is not the first day of the expense report, it is the first day of a trip, so the meals should be reimbursed at 75%. However, the meals will be reimbursed at 100% unless the employee is allowed to override the expense report start date.

In other cases, the employee may be eligible for a 100% meal reimbursement on the first or last day of a trip, which can also be handled by overriding the trip start/end date.

Conference Lodging

Field Description
Percentage Adjustment

Use the Percent Adjustment field, located under Conference Lodging on the Input Options - Required Fields tab, to establish the percentage rate increase that is allowed over the normal per diem rate for conference-related lodging and meals.

The Percent Adjustment field is available only if you first select the following options on the  Expense Types > Basic Information screen:

  • Lodging or Meals from the Wizard Type drop-down
  • Per Diem under General Options
  • Combine Meals/Lodging Allowance on the Input Options - Required Fields tab
Note: If the Expense Type is Meals, you must select the Combine Meals/Lodging Allowance check box on the Input Options - Required Fields tab.

Once the feature is enabled for a specific expense type, a Conference check box displays on the Lodging Expense Detail form of the expense report. It also displays on the Meal Expense Detail form for instances where lodging and meals are combined.

When completing an expense report, users can select Conference to indicate that a lodging stay is payable and billable at a percentage greater than the per diem rate, for example, 125%.

Deltek Expense then processes the expense at the normal government rate times whatever percentage is entered for the expense type in Percent Adjustment. It then takes the allowable rate and multiplies it by 1 + the percentage adjustment rate for the expense type for which it is configured, with upwards rounding.